The Alliance H@rvest, a partnership chair supported by the AgroParisTech Foundation, is organizing its annual conference on May 30th, 2024, on the AgroParisTech campus in Palaiseau.
The aim of the event is to shed light on future technologies, with a focus on the sensors of the future in agriculture.
📍 Location: AgroParisTech Campus, Palaiseau (91)
🕘 Date: May 30, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
A buffet will be provided for lunch.
Coffee Reception: 9:00 AM
9:30 AM: Opening of the Conference
- Laurent Buisson (Director of AgroParisTech)
- Sophie Martin (Director of the Alliance H@rvest) – Presentation of the Alliance H@rvest
10:00 AM: Lecture “The Challenges of Sensors for Agriculture”
- Christian Huyghe (Scientific Director of Agriculture – INRAe)
10:45 AM: Break
11:00 AM: Roundtable “Current and Future Sensors: What Advances for Agriculture?”
- Vincent Attard (Sales Director, Chouette.vision)
- Cécile Magherini (Deputy CEO of Sun’Agri Sun’R Group, to be confirmed)
- 1 “Tech-savvy” Farmer
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM: Lunch
1:30 PM: Verbal Exchanges with Students
- Paul Michel (AgroParisTech – BeeLinked)
- Mohamed El Aziz Hafsia (UniLaSalle)
- Anna Ramfel (Télécom Paris)
- Jérôme Dantan and two experts
2:15 PM: Roundtable “Sensor Data vs. Traditional Knowledge?”
- Véronique Bellon-Maurel (Director of the #DigitAg Institute)
- Vincent Rachet (General Director, Exxact Robotics)
- Baptiste Fainéant (Innovation & Sectors Project Manager, Sofiprotéol)
- Jean-Marc Philip (Commercial Director, Engineering & Services, Société du Canal de Provence)
3:15 PM: Break
3:30 PM: Roundtable “Exploiting the Potential of Agricultural Data: Opportunities and Challenges”
- Achille Thin (Data Scientist at Genesis)
- Dominique Tristant (Director of the Grignon Experimental Farm)
- Jérôme Dantan (Researcher in Computer Science at UniLaSalle Rouen)
- Jean-Marc Gilliot (Researcher at AgroParisTech – Drone and Remote Sensing)
4:15 PM: Conclusion
- Sophie Martin, Olivier Guize (President of the AgroParisTech Foundation)
End at 4:30 PM
Moderator: Frédéric DENHEZ
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