Publication | Data & IA

Enhancement of Data from Agricultural Practices

Project background :

VDPA+ project aims to better leverage data from agricultural practices in France. Currently, this valuable data remains largely underutilized and unusable. The lack of a standard consolidation model, concerns about data ownership and cybersecurity, and growing expectations for optimizing agricultural practices highlight the importance of enhancing this data for the benefit of the agricultural sector.

Data from agricultural practices remain largely underutilized and unusable…

Projet objectives :

The primary goal of the project is to better qualify data from agricultural practices by identifying potential uses, defining an appropriate economic model, and ensuring data security. In the medium term (3 to 5 years), the project aims to explore the market and structure the collected agricultural data, highlighting opportunities and development prospects in this field.

Expected outcomes

Through the VDPA+ project, we aim to achieve the following outcomes:

  1. A Detailed Overview of existing agricultural data consolidation platforms in France, Europe, and the United States, highlighting the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities of these platforms.
  2. A Data Mapping of available agricultural practices, providing a better understanding of their nature, volume, and potential for use.
  3. An Economic Evaluation of the value of the data based on its potential uses and applications, with the goal of encouraging the development of sustainable economic models.
  4. An In-Depth Analysis on data enhancement, exploring approaches such as creating a dedicated marketplace or utilizing open-source solutions to incentivize data sharing.
  5. Practical Recommendations to ensure the security and protection of agricultural data while promoting responsible sharing, ensuring the interests of the farmer, who is the primary data producer, are safeguarded.

Results of Dafa YUMNA’s Internship (6 months, May to November 2023)

Dafa YUMNA‘s internship report

Presentation Support for Dafa Yumna’s Internship Defense

summary of dafa Yumna’internship results in a two-pages poster format